Competition Ready!

I'm pleased to announce that I'll be offering a workshop for amateur competitors to help you best prepare for competition.
- I'll guide you through warm-ups and give you coaching on how to structure practices to make the most of your precious practice time.
- You'll run competition rounds with other competitors
- We'll have lead and follow sessions to help you deal with interruptions in your routines
- I'll coach you on presentation skills to help you look and feel your best
The workshop will be held at Camelot Ballroom (6635 W 151st St, Overland Park, Kansas 66223) on Saturday, August 24th, 2019.
The Smooth and Standard session is from 10:30am -12:30pm and Latin/Rhythm is from 1:30pm -3:30pm.
Tuition for one session is $85 per couple. Both sessions - $150 per couple
Advanced Enrollment by August 17, 2019 and a minimum of 4 couples per session will be required. So tell your competitor friends to come.
This is a fantastic opportunity to practice things you usually only get to experience on the competition floor.
To enroll: Use this paypal link to enroll (you don't have to have a Paypal account as long as you have a credit or debit card)
If you don't want to use Paypal, email and we can arrange another payment method.
There will not be an option to enroll at the door.
If there's not enough participation for one or both sessions, I'll refund your payment by August 24.
If you have questions please email me at:
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